all postcodes in CO16 / CLACTON-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO16 8LF 2 0 51.79734 1.02936
CO16 8AE 0 51.794763 1.112037
CO16 8AF 0 51.798603 1.083391
CO16 8SZ 6 0 51.774184 1.079378
CO16 8AR 36 0 51.802969 1.123106
CO16 8BW 60 5 51.804446 1.125384
CO16 8AS 39 0 51.803654 1.122022
CO16 8AY 9 0 51.803884 1.122502
CO16 8AX 12 0 51.804284 1.121993
CO16 8AT 22 0 51.803525 1.121476
CO16 8AU 17 0 51.804553 1.121025
CO16 8FY 21 0 51.808283 1.141349
CO16 8SU 8 0 51.774328 1.0803
CO16 8GB 39 0 51.805741 1.124719
CO16 8GD 36 0 51.804966 1.126117
CO16 8GE 33 0 51.804941 1.126391
CO16 8GF 4 0 51.803705 1.12587
CO16 8GH 10 0 51.80541 1.125654
CO16 8GJ 12 0 51.806247 1.126321
CO16 8GL 17 0 51.80625 1.125509