all postcodes in CO16 / CLACTON-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO16 0JH 2 0 51.8556 1.168366
CO16 0JJ 4 0 51.855481 1.16763
CO16 0JN 24 0 51.855917 1.167284
CO16 0JP 8 0 51.855854 1.175617
CO16 0JR 8 0 51.855689 1.175054
CO16 0JS 8 0 51.855521 1.175303
CO16 0LA 13 0 51.861835 1.155787
CO16 0LB 7 0 51.863022 1.154098
CO16 0LD 9 0 51.863279 1.1566
CO16 0LE 12 3 51.864931 1.159535
CO16 0LF 1 0 51.860048 1.170391
CO16 0LG 10 0 51.856799 1.164788
CO16 0LH 44 0 51.857272 1.167916
CO16 0LJ 9 0 51.858516 1.16748
CO16 0LL 12 0 51.858889 1.16832
CO16 0LN 5 0 51.859646 1.168954
CO16 0LP 18 0 51.85898 1.165958
CO16 0LQ 24 1 51.857673 1.165402
CO16 0LR 8 0 51.859881 1.165877
CO16 0LS 3 0 51.859468 1.164845