all postcodes in CO2 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO2 8GW 1 1 51.889519 0.916094
CO2 8GY 129 0 51.878527 0.934258
CO2 8GZ 1 1 51.889519 0.916094
CO2 8HA 8 7 51.876832 0.930472
CO2 8HB 1 1 51.889519 0.916094
CO2 8HE 1 1 51.874396 0.927523
CO2 8HF 24 20 51.872116 0.928174
CO2 8HG 12 9 51.872142 0.929295
CO2 8HH 27 19 51.874282 0.931003
CO2 8HL 1 1 51.875048 0.9313
CO2 8HR 13 12 51.875759 0.93094
CO2 8HS 1 1 51.87536 0.930434
CO2 8HT 40 27 51.877053 0.931082
CO2 8HX 11 10 51.874757 0.930729
CO2 8HY 1 1 51.874682 0.931567
CO2 8JB 47 16 51.882422 0.926025
CO2 8JD 40 0 51.881388 0.925566
CO2 8JF 6 5 51.882882 0.925997
CO2 8JG 25 0 51.881729 0.924149
CO2 8JJ 1 1 51.875858 0.928389