all postcodes in CO2 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO2 7NG 8 0 51.88437 0.894818
CO2 7NJ 6 0 51.884271 0.895306
CO2 7NP 6 0 51.885159 0.900522
CO2 7FA 20 0 51.886518 0.896352
CO2 7FU 16 0 51.882025 0.890075
CO2 7NQ 8 0 51.88177 0.890815
CO2 7NR 8 0 51.883562 0.901815
CO2 7NS 7 0 51.884143 0.901968
CO2 7NT 42 0 51.884116 0.900513
CO2 7NU 15 0 51.884692 0.900463
CO2 7NW 12 0 51.883997 0.901319
CO2 7NX 11 0 51.88378 0.900637
CO2 7TL 59 0 51.882856 0.895433
CO2 7GU 12 0 51.883164 0.9041
CO2 7TU 2 0 51.877271 0.905623
CO2 7NY 2 0 51.884354 0.899962
CO2 8AA 7 0 51.876852 0.919531
CO2 8AB 7 0 51.876191 0.921174
CO2 8AD 8 0 51.871928 0.923673
CO2 8AE 25 0 51.871988 0.919463