all postcodes in CO5 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO5 8BA 31 0 51.777376 0.922295
CO5 8BB 38 0 51.779744 0.922187
CO5 8BD 11 0 51.776306 0.925154
CO5 8BE 8 0 51.776787 0.923184
CO5 8BG 28 0 51.775451 0.92665
CO5 8BH 13 1 51.774144 0.926044
CO5 8BJ 15 0 51.779343 0.922755
CO5 8BL 42 0 51.775987 0.928236
CO5 8BN 17 0 51.777191 0.926473
CO5 8BP 3 0 51.774505 0.929967
CO5 8BQ 19 0 51.778575 0.922155
CO5 8BS 31 0 51.775031 0.930508
CO5 8BT 32 0 51.776947 0.929806
CO5 8BU 11 0 51.778279 0.923208
CO5 8BW 7 0 51.776357 0.927086
CO5 8BX 55 1 51.775 0.932464
CO5 8BY 24 0 51.777206 0.931621
CO5 8BZ 30 0 51.777077 0.933555
CO5 8DA 1 1 51.775414 0.933868
CO5 8DB 18 0 51.773517 0.920494