all postcodes in CO6 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO6 1HN 22 0 51.874807 0.760297
CO6 1HP 4 0 51.874519 0.759146
CO6 1HQ 5 0 51.876179 0.761979
CO6 1HR 2 1 51.876645 0.754901
CO6 1HS 17 1 51.87699 0.750519
CO6 1HT 9 0 51.876688 0.743703
CO6 1HU 7 5 51.875064 0.740451
CO6 1HX 25 2 51.878053 0.745718
CO6 1HZ 3 2 51.877989 0.751641
CO6 1JA 4 0 51.8833 0.749773
CO6 1JB 4 0 51.8885 0.748157
CO6 1JE 12 7 51.891095 0.749115
CO6 1JF 9 0 51.897493 0.74859
CO6 1JH 10 0 51.900421 0.749888
CO6 1JJ 3 0 51.899797 0.755811
CO6 1JL 10 0 51.901714 0.748804
CO6 1JN 5 0 51.90087 0.749145
CO6 1JP 6 0 51.902823 0.747927
CO6 1JQ 20 1 51.901066 0.748589
CO6 1JR 23 0 51.90384 0.747131