all postcodes in CO7 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO7 6AZ 2 0 51.949991 0.996109
CO7 6BA 2 0 51.950534 0.997397
CO7 6BB 3 0 51.950314 0.998837
CO7 6BD 2 0 51.950386 0.999337
CO7 6BE 12 0 51.950405 1.000881
CO7 6BG 6 0 51.950095 0.998255
CO7 6BH 6 0 51.94489 1.012592
CO7 6BJ 4 0 51.946509 1.017474
CO7 6FB 1 0 51.950877 1.013386
CO7 6BL 27 12 51.952176 1.015148
CO7 6BN 25 0 51.9426 1.00963
CO7 6BQ 12 0 51.945023 1.008802
CO7 6BS 15 0 51.943057 0.999153
CO7 6BT 17 0 51.94435 0.996416
CO7 6BU 16 0 51.945867 0.995805
CO7 6BW 21 1 51.943446 1.006805
CO7 6BX 11 0 51.946289 0.996546
CO7 6BY 1 0 51.941461 1.000342
CO7 6BZ 54 1 51.953472 0.996647
CO7 6DE 18 7 51.959013 0.992562