all postcodes in CO8 / BURES

find any address or company within the CO8 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO8 5JR 0 51.989423 0.773446
CO8 5JS 0 51.990394 0.770797
CO8 5JT 0 51.993314 0.766493
CO8 5JU 0 51.982666 0.782863
CO8 5JW 0 51.978363 0.775416
CO8 5JX 2 51.988212 0.792121
CO8 5JY 0 51.994791 0.795313
CO8 5JZ 0 51.98048 0.785188
CO8 5LA 0 51.976359 0.780316
CO8 5LB 0 51.978445 0.784887
CO8 5LD 6 51.975199 0.78524
CO8 5LH 0 51.97294 0.777324
CO8 5LJ 0 51.980253 0.793607
CO8 5LL 0 51.973679 0.774996
CO8 5LN 0 51.971953 0.777219
CO8 5LF 5 0 51.973504 0.77769
CO8 5LG 7 0 51.973295 0.777037
CO8 5FL 9 0 51.972384 0.779561
CO8 5AQ 19 0 51.972584 0.777957
CO8 5FA 1 0 51.978286 0.749984