all postcodes in CR5 / COULSDON

find any address or company within the CR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CR / Croydon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CR5 1BH 18 0 51.298402 -0.122254
CR5 1BJ 20 1 51.300562 -0.119613
CR5 1BL 17 0 51.299912 -0.120557
CR5 1BN 6 2 51.301052 -0.126565
CR5 1BP 39 0 51.299554 -0.124
CR5 1BQ 8 0 51.300208 -0.123328
CR5 1BR 10 0 51.298631 -0.126477
CR5 1BS 18 0 51.299328 -0.120036
CR5 1BT 24 0 51.298626 -0.120567
CR5 1BU 18 0 51.298319 -0.124424
CR5 1BW 4 0 51.298861 -0.121719
CR5 1BX 16 0 51.298359 -0.122973
CR5 1BY 14 0 51.300393 -0.121972
CR5 1BZ 30 0 51.299583 -0.12529
CR5 1DA 8 0 51.298237 -0.133923
CR5 1DB 23 0 51.312279 -0.134745
CR5 1DD 22 0 51.310451 -0.133987
CR5 1DE 22 0 51.308528 -0.133004
CR5 1DF 25 0 51.306425 -0.132515
CR5 1DG 11 0 51.312251 -0.134072