all postcodes in CR5 / COULSDON

find any address or company within the CR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CR / Croydon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CR5 1AA 35 0 51.313816 -0.136376
CR5 1AB 12 0 51.311919 -0.138192
CR5 1AD 18 0 51.306816 -0.142384
CR5 1AE 13 0 51.30728 -0.141548
CR5 1AF 18 0 51.309771 -0.139898
CR5 1AG 2 0 51.311814 -0.140621
CR5 1AH 11 0 51.308579 -0.141854
CR5 1AL 30 0 51.309793 -0.143056
CR5 1AN 41 0 51.313538 -0.138698
CR5 1AP 20 0 51.310291 -0.142072
CR5 1AR 18 0 51.307871 -0.144853
CR5 1AS 35 0 51.307515 -0.143934
CR5 1AT 9 0 51.307029 -0.145016
CR5 1AX 56 0 51.314335 -0.138479
CR5 1BA 14 0 51.306651 -0.123568
CR5 1BB 34 0 51.304099 -0.124274
CR5 1BD 75 0 51.301795 -0.12302
CR5 1BE 16 0 51.306696 -0.123021
CR5 1BF 24 1 51.304335 -0.123805
CR5 1BG 30 0 51.302226 -0.121854