all postcodes in CT11 / RAMSGATE

find any address or company within the CT11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT11 8LS 1 1 51.331493 1.422444
CT11 8LT 14 2 51.332442 1.422934
CT11 8LU 31 0 51.332591 1.42339
CT11 8LW 1 1 51.332485 1.421186
CT11 8LZ 1 1 51.332266 1.419446
CT11 8NA 11 0 51.335277 1.427798
CT11 8NB 7 0 51.33594 1.428824
CT11 8NE 15 0 51.335561 1.42825
CT11 8NG 15 5 51.334181 1.41946
CT11 8NJ 4 2 51.334692 1.42046
CT11 8NL 30 0 51.335622 1.420931
CT11 8NN 16 8 51.333763 1.420233
CT11 8NP 33 11 51.334435 1.420914
CT11 8NQ 14 3 51.334561 1.419703
CT11 8NT 22 11 51.334658 1.420701
CT11 8NW 4 2 51.334059 1.419939
CT11 8NX 44 3 51.335108 1.421579
CT11 8NY 24 3 51.335409 1.421447
CT11 8NZ 14 1 51.335768 1.422091
CT11 8PA 11 2 51.336514 1.422118