all postcodes in CT11 / RAMSGATE

find any address or company within the CT11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT11 8PB 8 0 51.336141 1.421961
CT11 8PD 2 0 51.336561 1.422018
CT11 8PE 45 0 51.33564 1.422771
CT11 8PF 45 0 51.33564 1.422771
CT11 8PG 45 0 51.336035 1.423116
CT11 8PH 19 1 51.336416 1.422412
CT11 8PJ 14 4 51.337323 1.422451
CT11 8PL 1 0 51.337375 1.422225
CT11 8PN 18 6 51.337311 1.422866
CT11 8PP 52 1 51.337354 1.423846
CT11 8PQ 45 0 51.336035 1.423116
CT11 8PR 10 0 51.337752 1.424091
CT11 8PS 30 0 51.336577 1.424262
CT11 8PT 25 1 51.336191 1.42363
CT11 8PU 26 0 51.336516 1.422965
CT11 8PW 28 0 51.33685 1.423248
CT11 8PX 5 0 51.337675 1.424559
CT11 8PY 1 0 51.336294 1.421958
CT11 8PZ 11 0 51.336336 1.422679
CT11 8QA 10 0 51.336292 1.421696