all postcodes in CT11 / RAMSGATE

find any address or company within the CT11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT11 8QD 29 1 51.335073 1.418808
CT11 8QF 28 1 51.335726 1.419244
CT11 8QH 42 2 51.335549 1.420366
CT11 8QL 41 0 51.336616 1.420804
CT11 8QN 18 0 51.336043 1.420704
CT11 8QP 37 1 51.336283 1.419875
CT11 8QR 12 0 51.33683 1.422066
CT11 8QS 2 1 51.337141 1.42219
CT11 8QT 41 0 51.337111 1.420482
CT11 8QW 12 0 51.336119 1.421471
CT11 8QX 20 1 51.336377 1.419706
CT11 8QY 26 0 51.335212 1.418057
CT11 8QZ 36 0 51.336668 1.421167
CT11 8RA 7 3 51.335665 1.417
CT11 8RD 22 0 51.33661 1.419454
CT11 8RE 15 0 51.335633 1.418405
CT11 8RF 44 0 51.337042 1.419443
CT11 8RG 12 0 51.336071 1.418825
CT11 8NU 14 0 51.334952 1.42203
CT11 8HD 5 0 51.334914 1.422085