all postcodes in CT12 / RAMSGATE

find any address or company within the CT12 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT12 6LU 26 0 51.346296 1.395743
CT12 6LW 36 0 51.346673 1.396389
CT12 6LX 7 0 51.347433 1.394376
CT12 6LY 14 0 51.348075 1.395185
CT12 6LZ 16 0 51.348023 1.39419
CT12 6NA 21 0 51.348536 1.393869
CT12 6ND 13 0 51.348551 1.391486
CT12 6NE 23 0 51.348484 1.388838
CT12 6NF 26 0 51.347896 1.386137
CT12 6NG 30 0 51.347792 1.386646
CT12 6NH 14 0 51.347332 1.387905
CT12 6NJ 10 0 51.348178 1.389131
CT12 6NL 21 0 51.347334 1.388466
CT12 6NN 22 0 51.348192 1.390511
CT12 6NP 6 0 51.346559 1.389457
CT12 6NQ 19 0 51.348142 1.387908
CT12 6NR 12 0 51.346827 1.388888
CT12 6NS 36 0 51.346993 1.390293
CT12 6NT 2 2 51.340622 1.387551
CT12 6NU 6 0 51.34766 1.395858