all postcodes in CT12 / RAMSGATE

find any address or company within the CT12 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT12 6NW 18 0 51.347364 1.389933
CT12 6NX 8 0 51.347653 1.396073
CT12 6NY 51 0 51.347416 1.397751
CT12 6NZ 39 0 51.34713 1.397356
CT12 6PA 6 0 51.347371 1.398351
CT12 6PD 32 0 51.347751 1.398278
CT12 6PE 29 0 51.348554 1.39851
CT12 6PF 16 0 51.348708 1.397559
CT12 6PG 13 0 51.348753 1.397232
CT12 6PH 10 0 51.348653 1.396032
CT12 6PJ 10 0 51.348608 1.395727
CT12 6PL 14 0 51.348392 1.396027
CT12 6PN 6 0 51.345975 1.398104
CT12 6PP 11 0 51.344679 1.399039
CT12 6PQ 54 0 51.348204 1.39693
CT12 6PR 1 1 51.349711 1.399211
CT12 6PT 13 3 51.345352 1.398804
CT12 6PU 10 0 51.345842 1.398367
CT12 6PW 13 0 51.346283 1.398055
CT12 6PX 22 0 51.346547 1.398534