all postcodes in CT13 / SANDWICH

find any address or company within the CT13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT13 0NE 17 0 51.266645 1.312507
CT13 0NF 11 0 51.266099 1.311823
CT13 0NG 16 0 51.265002 1.311501
CT13 0NH 7 0 51.263074 1.314158
CT13 0NJ 1 0 51.26439 1.307385
CT13 0NL 5 0 51.263827 1.30723
CT13 0NN 3 0 51.262634 1.308018
CT13 0NP 15 0 51.26177 1.306465
CT13 0NQ 15 0 51.265437 1.310098
CT13 0NR 24 0 51.261234 1.305409
CT13 0NS 6 0 51.260942 1.305846
CT13 0NT 22 0 51.262251 1.305338
CT13 0NU 8 0 51.261243 1.306943
CT13 0NW 8 0 51.262973 1.309147
CT13 0NX 6 0 51.2611 1.307607
CT13 0NY 16 4 51.25747 1.308106
CT13 0NZ 7 0 51.263809 1.306282
CT13 0PA 17 0 51.26461 1.304676
CT13 0PB 7 0 51.263895 1.298159
CT13 0PD 16 0 51.262337 1.296284