all postcodes in CT13 / SANDWICH

find any address or company within the CT13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT13 0PE 10 0 51.265276 1.304667
CT13 0PF 9 0 51.268043 1.303503
CT13 0PG 8 0 51.267941 1.3046
CT13 0PH 3 0 51.269438 1.302858
CT13 0PJ 4 0 51.270609 1.304333
CT13 0PL 3 1 51.270347 1.299023
CT13 0PN 2 0 51.271208 1.293305
CT13 0PP 3 0 51.260859 1.294472
CT13 0PQ 11 0 51.268976 1.301362
CT13 0PR 6 1 51.260593 1.293392
CT13 0PS 5 1 51.262997 1.29203
CT13 0PT 5 0 51.266074 1.291691
CT13 0PU 2 0 51.263184 1.288502
CT13 0PW 5 0 51.27057 1.292041
CT13 0PX 16 0 51.264771 1.279396
CT13 0PY 37 0 51.245843 1.301281
CT13 0PZ 2 0 51.263798 1.290997
CT13 0QA 5 0 51.245219 1.30714
CT13 0QB 38 1 51.246904 1.305771
CT13 0QD 5 0 51.262368 1.306336