all postcodes in CT19 / FOLKESTONE

find any address or company within the CT19 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT19 4JL 12 0 51.08942 1.128281
CT19 4JN 40 0 51.089658 1.127483
CT19 4JP 4 0 51.089576 1.129191
CT19 4JR 12 2 51.08902 1.129139
CT19 4JS 4 0 51.089393 1.129307
CT19 4JT 18 0 51.088591 1.132367
CT19 4JU 16 0 51.089076 1.132742
CT19 4JW 31 0 51.089508 1.130715
CT19 4JX 11 0 51.088348 1.133721
CT19 4JY 16 0 51.088082 1.134603
CT19 4JZ 17 0 51.088314 1.132305
CT19 4LA 8 0 51.088534 1.130806
CT19 4LB 16 0 51.089131 1.131018
CT19 4LD 4 0 51.088828 1.130912
CT19 4LE 8 0 51.088978 1.130008
CT19 4LF 10 0 51.08867 1.129773
CT19 4LG 30 1 51.089205 1.142138
CT19 4LJ 10 0 51.091748 1.14245
CT19 4LL 12 0 51.091558 1.14148
CT19 4LN 10 0 51.091849 1.140372