all postcodes in CT19 / FOLKESTONE

find any address or company within the CT19 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT19 4LP 25 0 51.091705 1.139705
CT19 4LQ 50 0 51.090643 1.142375
CT19 4LR 16 0 51.090912 1.139422
CT19 4LS 29 1 51.090766 1.138827
CT19 4LT 8 0 51.091874 1.138416
CT19 4LU 33 0 51.091518 1.137278
CT19 4LW 52 0 51.092247 1.140613
CT19 4LX 22 0 51.092169 1.136494
CT19 4LY 6 0 51.09203 1.137627
CT19 4LZ 27 0 51.092389 1.137666
CT19 4NA 24 0 51.093106 1.137443
CT19 4NB 22 0 51.092765 1.138748
CT19 4ND 6 0 51.092295 1.138802
CT19 4NE 43 1 51.092678 1.140285
CT19 4NF 28 0 51.093169 1.142461
CT19 4NG 29 0 51.093162 1.143703
CT19 4NH 43 0 51.092338 1.144233
CT19 4NJ 33 0 51.092992 1.145691
CT19 4NL 14 0 51.092339 1.14589
CT19 4NP 63 0 51.090474 1.143992