all postcodes in CT21 / HYTHE

find any address or company within the CT21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT21 5EW 6 0 51.072402 1.078846
CT21 5EX 26 0 51.074201 1.081579
CT21 5EY 5 0 51.073982 1.083763
CT21 5EZ 17 0 51.074921 1.082954
CT21 5GU 1 1 51.072311 1.087778
CT21 5HA 12 0 51.075433 1.081589
CT21 5HB 8 0 51.076074 1.08286
CT21 5HD 33 0 51.076156 1.080795
CT21 5HE 2 0 51.073936 1.078782
CT21 5HG 3 0 51.075456 1.079377
CT21 5HH 30 0 51.07689 1.079558
CT21 5HJ 2 0 51.078193 1.080078
CT21 5HL 14 0 51.07678 1.082692
CT21 5HN 8 0 51.077863 1.082564
CT21 5HQ 15 0 51.075899 1.077922
CT21 5HR 6 0 51.072575 1.082884
CT21 5HU 2 0 51.078353 1.082859
CT21 5HW 9 0 51.077715 1.081355
CT21 5HX 30 0 51.078248 1.085346
CT21 5HY 25 0 51.076674 1.088083