all postcodes in CT21 / HYTHE

find any address or company within the CT21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT21 5LE 29 13 51.071506 1.08554
CT21 5LF 1 1 51.072311 1.087778
CT21 5LG 12 0 51.072013 1.084745
CT21 5LH 25 1 51.072865 1.088571
CT21 5LN 3 0 51.072642 1.090227
CT21 5LP 21 0 51.072895 1.091186
CT21 5LQ 9 0 51.072435 1.088633
CT21 5LR 1 0 51.073336 1.091844
CT21 5LS 10 0 51.073747 1.092642
CT21 5LT 5 0 51.072882 1.093846
CT21 5LU 5 1 51.073204 1.093791
CT21 5LW 3 0 51.07176 1.086813
CT21 5LX 16 0 51.072657 1.095082
CT21 5LY 4 0 51.072415 1.097093
CT21 5LZ 21 0 51.072336 1.094647
CT21 5NA 19 0 51.072522 1.092717
CT21 5NB 16 1 51.072805 1.092998
CT21 5ND 19 2 51.072594 1.091009
CT21 5NH 10 2 51.071992 1.088941
CT21 5NJ 7 0 51.070704 1.087285