all postcodes in CT3 / CANTERBURY

find any address or company within the CT3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT3 1RP 16 0 51.284813 1.185999
CT3 1RQ 19 2 51.284192 1.182901
CT3 1RR 2 0 51.28449 1.185173
CT3 1RS 6 0 51.284587 1.185409
CT3 1RT 10 0 51.284953 1.186009
CT3 1RU 2 0 51.285381 1.187128
CT3 1RW 8 0 51.283997 1.185125
CT3 1RX 15 0 51.286125 1.185387
CT3 1RY 2 0 51.287465 1.184289
CT3 1RZ 1 0 51.285297 1.183278
CT3 1SA 10 0 51.290148 1.186483
CT3 1SB 3 0 51.29068 1.187237
CT3 1SD 2 0 51.29237 1.189463
CT3 1SE 4 0 51.295327 1.190859
CT3 1SG 4 0 51.299367 1.192933
CT3 1SH 3 0 51.296403 1.187175
CT3 1SJ 18 0 51.286342 1.183365
CT3 1SL 10 0 51.284026 1.191122
CT3 1SN 4 0 51.279429 1.20222
CT3 1SQ 2 0 51.298785 1.197656