all postcodes in CT3 / CANTERBURY

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT3 1QN 18 0 51.279606 1.181852
CT3 1RD 5 1 51.282766 1.181253
CT3 1QP 4 1 51.278308 1.183297
CT3 1QQ 10 0 51.278793 1.183115
CT3 1QR 5 0 51.278013 1.183233
CT3 1QS 2 0 51.278061 1.183782
CT3 1QT 15 0 51.277645 1.184642
CT3 1QU 13 1 51.276381 1.184368
CT3 1QW 11 0 51.278442 1.18279
CT3 1QX 1 0 51.27512 1.182919
CT3 1QY 12 0 51.275569 1.182591
CT3 1RA 3 1 51.276591 1.185716
CT3 1RB 5 0 51.277409 1.187695
CT3 1RE 2 0 51.283389 1.181683
CT3 1RF 7 0 51.28309 1.183226
CT3 1RG 11 0 51.283426 1.182317
CT3 1RH 1 0 51.285187 1.18449
CT3 1RJ 7 0 51.284441 1.184352
CT3 1RL 3 0 51.284199 1.183977
CT3 1RN 6 2 51.28422 1.184653