all postcodes in CT3 / CANTERBURY

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT3 4DQ 7 0 51.324415 1.201579
CT3 4DR 2 0 51.332297 1.188186
CT3 4DS 21 4 51.331856 1.186849
CT3 4DT 6 0 51.331787 1.186227
CT3 4DU 8 2 51.33456 1.191402
CT3 4DW 6 0 51.324501 1.195024
CT3 4DX 4 0 51.336769 1.19055
CT3 4DY 3 0 51.337076 1.197091
CT3 4DZ 5 0 51.336918 1.197841
CT3 4EA 4 0 51.338359 1.201172
CT3 4EB 17 3 51.345383 1.187371
CT3 4EE 17 1 51.346824 1.189612
CT3 4ED 3 0 51.34883 1.185169
CT3 4EQ 3 0 51.354619 1.191719
CT3 4EF 13 0 51.345999 1.190818
CT3 4EG 13 0 51.349687 1.191175
CT3 4EH 4 0 51.357557 1.194021
CT3 4EJ 7 0 51.360586 1.195554
CT3 4EL 5 0 51.363722 1.198631
CT3 4EN 7 0 51.364135 1.198976