all postcodes in CT3 / CANTERBURY

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT3 4LE 14 0 51.339186 1.171777
CT3 4LF 1 1 51.337773 1.178443
CT3 4LG 7 0 51.343477 1.173753
CT3 4LH 2 0 51.339333 1.163213
CT3 4LJ 12 0 51.342056 1.16432
CT3 4LL 13 1 51.338606 1.160306
CT3 4LN 25 2 51.339283 1.158744
CT3 4LP 7 0 51.344122 1.163213
CT3 4LR 4 1 51.34453 1.162782
CT3 4LS 5 0 51.345811 1.163976
CT3 4LT 3 0 51.347766 1.163378
CT3 4LU 2 0 51.353373 1.16658
CT3 4LW 8 0 51.341737 1.161282
CT3 4LX 15 0 51.351612 1.177476
CT3 4LY 2 0 51.354857 1.184495
CT3 4LZ 2 0 51.354615 1.184464
CT3 4NA 9 1 51.33157 1.129612
CT3 4NB 11 1 51.325125 1.121363
CT3 4ND 14 3 51.321453 1.118401
CT3 4NE 1 1 51.320605 1.117496