all postcodes in CT5 / WHITSTABLE

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT5 3QH 7 5 51.333069 1.024339
CT5 3QJ 1 1 51.355594 1.057455
CT5 3QL 24 0 51.358076 1.064703
CT5 3QN 59 0 51.356471 1.062786
CT5 3QP 1 1 51.358099 1.055426
CT5 3QQ 21 0 51.353171 1.066875
CT5 3QR 3 0 51.348766 1.071952
CT5 3QS 3 3 51.357529 1.061407
CT5 3QT 41 36 51.356493 1.056452
CT5 3QU 2 2 51.358884 1.06529
CT5 3QW 49 0 51.356006 1.060643
CT5 3QX 1 1 51.358099 1.055426
CT5 3QY 31 27 51.356723 1.055907
CT5 3RA 5 4 51.357756 1.056321
CT5 3RB 8 8 51.357688 1.056144
CT5 3RD 54 0 51.342866 1.011714
CT5 3RE 15 0 51.342803 1.010303
CT5 3RF 30 0 51.353957 1.071567
CT5 3RG 1 1 51.358684 1.030638
CT5 3RH 9 0 51.343892 1.011681