all postcodes in CT5 / WHITSTABLE

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT5 3PF 4 0 51.356465 1.0706
CT5 3PG 6 0 51.356237 1.071375
CT5 3PH 38 0 51.353091 1.05308
CT5 3PJ 16 0 51.339693 1.066551
CT5 3PL 11 0 51.351987 1.052661
CT5 3PP 8 0 51.350605 1.055615
CT5 3PQ 22 0 51.355676 1.069125
CT5 3PR 19 0 51.347186 1.065312
CT5 3PS 86 71 51.345757 1.044247
CT5 3PU 18 0 51.352276 1.043617
CT5 3PW 11 0 51.350359 1.072949
CT5 3PX 1 1 51.348385 1.073421
CT5 3PY 16 0 51.349819 1.071233
CT5 3PZ 40 0 51.35578 1.072336
CT5 3QA 27 0 51.351296 1.048436
CT5 3QB 13 0 51.354739 1.068847
CT5 3QD 6 0 51.35387 1.070427
CT5 3QE 20 0 51.354495 1.069922
CT5 3QF 17 0 51.354799 1.067903
CT5 3QG 31 0 51.353522 1.068952