all postcodes in CT50 / FOLKESTONE

find any address or company within the CT50 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT50 1ZY 1 1 51.075701 1.149115
CT50 1ZW 1 1 51.075701 1.149115
CT50 1ZU 1 1 51.075701 1.149115
CT50 1AA 1 1 51.080971 1.141477
CT50 1AE 1 1 51.080971 1.141477
CT50 1AF 1 1 51.080971 1.141477
CT50 1AH 1 1 51.080971 1.141477
CT50 1AJ 1 1 51.080971 1.141477
CT50 1AL 1 1 51.080971 1.141477
CT50 1AN 1 1 51.080971 1.141477
CT50 1AP 1 1 51.080971 1.141477