all postcodes in CT7 / BIRCHINGTON

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT7 9DL 1 1 51.374478 1.306179
CT7 9DN 25 5 51.374911 1.307417
CT7 9DP 46 1 51.375367 1.306243
CT7 9DQ 39 22 51.374629 1.305512
CT7 9DR 60 0 51.376216 1.306405
CT7 9DS 33 0 51.376354 1.30824
CT7 9DT 5 0 51.374138 1.310552
CT7 9DU 15 0 51.375894 1.30858
CT7 9DW 4 0 51.374722 1.311873
CT7 9DX 3 0 51.374398 1.311217
CT7 9DY 17 0 51.376366 1.310009
CT7 9DZ 6 0 51.376554 1.310381
CT7 9EA 23 0 51.377203 1.310974
CT7 9EB 16 0 51.376758 1.311762
CT7 9ED 28 0 51.377617 1.310947
CT7 9EG 57 2 51.377306 1.305391
CT7 9EH 14 0 51.377458 1.308636
CT7 9EJ 49 0 51.37813 1.300448
CT7 9EL 33 0 51.378309 1.299513
CT7 9EN 53 0 51.378411 1.304191