all postcodes in CT7 / BIRCHINGTON

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT7 9EP 7 0 51.377753 1.302319
CT7 9EQ 18 2 51.376813 1.305973
CT7 9ER 12 0 51.378792 1.302465
CT7 9ES 14 0 51.379289 1.30368
CT7 9ET 15 1 51.37913 1.306744
CT7 9EU 11 0 51.380238 1.302569
CT7 9EW 32 0 51.378144 1.306932
CT7 9EX 15 0 51.379766 1.302075
CT7 9EY 16 0 51.380373 1.306933
CT7 9EZ 12 1 51.380703 1.304558
CT7 9HA 21 0 51.380776 1.306101
CT7 9HB 18 0 51.38069 1.302473
CT7 9HD 9 0 51.380092 1.304212
CT7 9HE 10 0 51.379991 1.305556
CT7 9HG 6 0 51.379721 1.306844
CT7 9HH 10 0 51.379886 1.308006
CT7 9HJ 16 0 51.37931 1.308654
CT7 9HL 5 0 51.379866 1.309356
CT7 9HN 30 0 51.378313 1.309574
CT7 9HP 21 0 51.37954 1.311014