all postcodes in CV1 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV1 3BD 43 0 52.407998 -1.52076
CV1 3BE 48 0 52.407998 -1.52076
CV1 3BG 40 0 52.407998 -1.52076
CV1 3BL 21 3 52.408324 -1.523476
CV1 3BQ 9 3 52.408572 -1.522709
CV1 3BS 22 0 52.407867 -1.523981
CV1 3BT 10 1 52.408035 -1.523318
CV1 3BU 44 1 52.409567 -1.521978
CV1 3BW 9 0 52.409574 -1.521493
CV1 3BX 17 0 52.409169 -1.521233
CV1 3BY 19 5 52.409101 -1.519969
CV1 3BZ 41 0 52.409706 -1.520698
CV1 3DB 7 1 52.409504 -1.519715
CV1 3DE 1 1 52.404173 -1.517524
CV1 3DH 1 1 52.40423 -1.518243
CV1 3DJ 48 0 52.407284 -1.522179
CV1 3DQ 1 0 52.404334 -1.519462
CV1 3DT 46 0 52.407839 -1.521826
CV1 3DX 1 1 52.404826 -1.51881
CV1 3EG 19 6 52.404256 -1.518513