all postcodes in CV1 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV1 3EH 37 12 52.404689 -1.518444
CV1 3EP 32 0 52.403591 -1.520205
CV1 3EQ 64 0 52.407379 -1.521061
CV1 3ER 16 0 52.405957 -1.520753
CV1 3ES 47 0 52.403843 -1.522986
CV1 3ET 17 0 52.403685 -1.523467
CV1 3EW 40 0 52.403616 -1.524188
CV1 3EX 22 0 52.404313 -1.523269
CV1 3FE 13 5 52.403468 -1.517008
CV1 3FZ 16 1 52.402789 -1.517671
CV1 3GA 38 1 52.40309 -1.518653
CV1 3GB 23 2 52.403423 -1.518884
CV1 3GE 1 1 52.405913 -1.525398
CV1 3GH 54 0 52.40486 -1.522808
CV1 3GJ 16 7 52.404684 -1.52156
CV1 3GN 1 1 52.405487 -1.522301
CV1 3GP 1 1 52.403918 -1.521172
CV1 3GQ 64 1 52.404234 -1.521521
CV1 3GR 4 4 52.405058 -1.520792
CV1 3GS 14 0 52.40596 -1.5214