all postcodes in CV1 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV1 4DS 22 1 52.42173 -1.506509
CV1 4DT 35 0 52.422203 -1.507769
CV1 4DU 14 0 52.417105 -1.514133
CV1 4DW 24 8 52.423285 -1.508595
CV1 4DX 18 4 52.415861 -1.513441
CV1 4DY 44 1 52.42059 -1.508978
CV1 4DZ 22 0 52.420454 -1.510891
CV1 4EA 34 0 52.420681 -1.511418
CV1 4EB 45 0 52.419707 -1.512914
CV1 4ED 34 1 52.419687 -1.512384
CV1 4EE 42 0 52.419112 -1.512597
CV1 4EF 28 1 52.41869 -1.512748
CV1 4EG 40 0 52.419386 -1.5113
CV1 4EH 27 0 52.419875 -1.509986
CV1 4EJ 26 0 52.419275 -1.510713
CV1 4EL 1 1 52.41223 -1.51576
CV1 4EN 31 0 52.419077 -1.510494
CV1 4EQ 17 2 52.418645 -1.510411
CV1 4ER 48 0 52.418757 -1.50938
CV1 4ES 19 0 52.418261 -1.511003