all postcodes in CV1 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV1 4ET 24 1 52.418176 -1.512357
CV1 4EU 35 0 52.418509 -1.512324
CV1 4EW 41 0 52.417555 -1.514261
CV1 4EX 32 0 52.416833 -1.513666
CV1 4EY 5 0 52.416015 -1.507117
CV1 4EZ 14 2 52.415596 -1.507901
CV1 4FB 2 1 52.415808 -1.505229
CV1 4FD 1 1 52.41722 -1.515779
CV1 4FF 8 0 52.414055 -1.504978
CV1 4FL 25 0 52.415594 -1.503452
CV1 4FN 43 5 52.417669 -1.500747
CV1 4FP 36 2 52.418957 -1.499027
CV1 4FR 20 10 52.418489 -1.499061
CV1 4FT 44 6 52.417612 -1.500224
CV1 4FW 50 6 52.416219 -1.502072
CV1 4FZ 13 0 52.415302 -1.504332
CV1 4GA 15 1 52.416409 -1.504657
CV1 4GB 35 0 52.418101 -1.505021
CV1 4GD 15 1 52.415776 -1.505738
CV1 4GE 6 2 52.415554 -1.506505