all postcodes in CV10 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV10 8HY 37 0 52.520869 -1.505834
CV10 8HZ 10 0 52.521721 -1.50514
CV10 8JA 38 2 52.522141 -1.506653
CV10 8JB 43 0 52.521871 -1.5067
CV10 8JD 30 0 52.51908 -1.507807
CV10 8JE 41 0 52.520624 -1.50723
CV10 8JF 31 1 52.521423 -1.50703
CV10 8JG 60 1 52.517493 -1.506749
CV10 8JH 16 2 52.518222 -1.506903
CV10 8JJ 30 0 52.518101 -1.507995
CV10 8JL 17 0 52.51874 -1.49972
CV10 8JN 29 0 52.518603 -1.499191
CV10 8JP 57 0 52.516507 -1.507468
CV10 8JQ 35 3 52.517438 -1.508504
CV10 8JR 44 1 52.516236 -1.504995
CV10 8JS 29 0 52.516993 -1.505281
CV10 8JT 17 0 52.516665 -1.506479
CV10 8JU 33 0 52.516717 -1.504127
CV10 8JW 14 0 52.518483 -1.498441
CV10 8JX 2 2 52.517048 -1.503755