all postcodes in CV10 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV10 8JY 1 1 52.518244 -1.505783
CV10 8JZ 24 0 52.51723 -1.499634
CV10 8LA 18 0 52.516762 -1.512446
CV10 8LB 24 3 52.516543 -1.509471
CV10 8LD 30 0 52.516886 -1.509969
CV10 8LE 17 1 52.517975 -1.510104
CV10 8LF 29 0 52.518098 -1.509395
CV10 8LG 28 0 52.520569 -1.509117
CV10 8LH 13 4 52.522087 -1.508746
CV10 8LJ 22 2 52.522039 -1.508157
CV10 8LL 25 0 52.520069 -1.507855
CV10 8LN 24 0 52.517199 -1.498677
CV10 8LQ 42 0 52.520513 -1.508617
CV10 8LR 4 0 52.515995 -1.534117
CV10 8LS 23 0 52.517417 -1.512144
CV10 8LT 3 0 52.518225 -1.514095
CV10 8LU 3 1 52.518521 -1.52958
CV10 8LW 59 1 52.51662 -1.497961
CV10 8LX 48 0 52.518828 -1.530203
CV10 8LY 31 2 52.516005 -1.512115