all postcodes in CV10 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV10 8PA 51 0 52.518643 -1.528518
CV10 8PL 20 0 52.51763 -1.520276
CV10 8PN 5 0 52.51844 -1.518352
CV10 8PP 46 0 52.518323 -1.520445
CV10 8PR 7 0 52.517962 -1.522424
CV10 8PS 32 0 52.517402 -1.521634
CV10 8PT 36 0 52.518803 -1.516962
CV10 8PU 35 0 52.519685 -1.517306
CV10 8PW 23 0 52.519538 -1.518546
CV10 8PX 31 0 52.519875 -1.51754
CV10 8PY 17 0 52.519628 -1.520918
CV10 8PZ 27 0 52.519732 -1.522184
CV10 8QA 43 0 52.519347 -1.520184
CV10 8QB 13 2 52.520343 -1.519922
CV10 8QD 45 0 52.518562 -1.521902
CV10 8QF 52 1 52.520178 -1.523881
CV10 8QG 40 0 52.520907 -1.521375
CV10 8QH 27 5 52.521061 -1.517291
CV10 8QJ 3 0 52.520411 -1.516753
CV10 8QL 10 0 52.519688 -1.515744