all postcodes in CV10 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV10 8LZ 49 2 52.516556 -1.516987
CV10 8NA 6 0 52.516979 -1.519296
CV10 8NB 45 0 52.517095 -1.517084
CV10 8ND 39 0 52.51742 -1.51515
CV10 8NE 19 0 52.517706 -1.518993
CV10 8NF 49 0 52.518435 -1.517025
CV10 8NG 44 0 52.516847 -1.522304
CV10 8NH 59 2 52.518885 -1.512864
CV10 8NJ 33 0 52.517608 -1.517093
CV10 8NL 5 0 52.517509 -1.528294
CV10 8NN 37 0 52.518633 -1.526145
CV10 8NP 15 0 52.517561 -1.525626
CV10 8NQ 15 0 52.517208 -1.527089
CV10 8NR 20 0 52.517944 -1.52462
CV10 8NS 51 0 52.517886 -1.52353
CV10 8NT 11 0 52.518924 -1.522414
CV10 8NU 69 0 52.516095 -1.516476
CV10 8NW 63 0 52.517756 -1.527024
CV10 8NX 1 0 52.515457 -1.512151
CV10 8NY 1 0 52.515427 -1.511517