all postcodes in CV11 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV11 4AA 1 1 52.52274 -1.464642
CV11 4AD 7 4 52.522437 -1.465241
CV11 4AE 2 2 52.523756 -1.464841
CV11 4AF 1 1 52.52287 -1.46548
CV11 4AH 1 1 52.522831 -1.464773
CV11 4AL 6 6 52.523652 -1.465367
CV11 4AP 1 1 52.523979 -1.464287
CV11 4AQ 1 0 52.523369 -1.464669
CV11 4AR 1 1 52.524286 -1.464732
CV11 4AS 4 0 52.521905 -1.464784
CV11 4AT 58 0 52.520845 -1.463241
CV11 4AY 1 1 52.521979 -1.463354
CV11 4AZ 4 4 52.522012 -1.462646
CV11 4BB 10 2 52.520952 -1.461044
CV11 4BE 1 1 52.52217 -1.461657
CV11 4BH 30 4 52.523779 -1.461784
CV11 4BJ 20 1 52.523179 -1.460244
CV11 4BL 33 3 52.524366 -1.462381
CV11 4BP 14 0 52.524245 -1.461425
CV11 4BQ 38 0 52.522788 -1.461281