all postcodes in CV11 / NUNEATON

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV11 5BT 10 6 52.523601 -1.470341
CV11 5BU 1 1 52.523484 -1.470121
CV11 5BW 1 1 52.523586 -1.468655
CV11 5BX 45 13 52.523943 -1.470322
CV11 5BY 1 1 52.523697 -1.469691
CV11 5BZ 10 7 52.523515 -1.468936
CV11 5DA 68 0 52.523769 -1.47359
CV11 5DB 21 4 52.522835 -1.473793
CV11 5DG 68 0 52.525606 -1.472307
CV11 5DH 5 4 52.524898 -1.472816
CV11 5DL 32 0 52.525883 -1.473954
CV11 5DN 4 2 52.526749 -1.474572
CV11 5DP 21 0 52.526837 -1.47412
CV11 5DQ 68 0 52.526265 -1.473036
CV11 5DR 15 11 52.527137 -1.47506
CV11 5DS 6 3 52.527751 -1.475282
CV11 5DT 4 3 52.527694 -1.474802
CV11 5DU 2 1 52.527832 -1.475582
CV11 5DW 8 0 52.526588 -1.474692
CV11 5DX 45 0 52.525341 -1.473401