all postcodes in CV11 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV11 6GZ 2 1 52.521957 -1.439321
CV11 6GY 4 52.522448 -1.442213
CV11 6JF 36 0 52.524761 -1.460269
CV11 6QE 0 52.530644 -1.430322
CV11 6QH 0 52.530988 -1.428823
CV11 6QZ 0 52.53135 -1.427733
CV11 6RH 0 52.53226 -1.433588
CV11 6RN 0 52.532077 -1.433104
CV11 6TW 0 52.530902 -1.433379
CV11 6TZ 0 52.531488 -1.43374
CV11 6UG 0 52.532398 -1.434215
CV11 6UT 0 52.53341 -1.437347
CV11 6RW 1 0 52.498239 -1.407299
CV11 6WG 1 0 52.522149 -1.439967
CV11 6WH 2 2 52.522786 -1.439591
CV11 6AY 0 52.500081 -1.407235
CV11 6WX 5 0 52.533827 -1.43432
CV11 6XD 6 0 52.533492 -1.433661
CV11 6XE 2 0 52.533924 -1.43392