all postcodes in CV13 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV13 0JU 14 0 52.62354 -1.40354
CV13 0JW 12 4 52.624994 -1.401231
CV13 0JX 7 0 52.623704 -1.402209
CV13 0JY 29 0 52.62306 -1.404463
CV13 0JZ 18 0 52.622758 -1.403477
CV13 0LA 11 1 52.622929 -1.401732
CV13 0LB 16 0 52.622737 -1.401084
CV13 0LD 9 2 52.624959 -1.403181
CV13 0LE 11 5 52.62382 -1.401986
CV13 0LF 21 10 52.623942 -1.401216
CV13 0LG 25 0 52.625906 -1.400258
CV13 0LH 9 0 52.62836 -1.403667
CV13 0LJ 28 28 52.626933 -1.398944
CV13 0LL 30 1 52.62444 -1.40019
CV13 0LN 2 0 52.626879 -1.399009
CV13 0LP 24 1 52.625677 -1.390629
CV13 0LQ 33 1 52.627172 -1.401679
CV13 0LR 8 0 52.621795 -1.397936
CV13 0LS 8 0 52.623094 -1.398834
CV13 0LT 33 1 52.624427 -1.406459