all postcodes in CV13 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV13 0LU 8 0 52.622786 -1.396652
CV13 0LW 17 0 52.622656 -1.397585
CV13 0LX 30 0 52.623576 -1.408902
CV13 0LY 15 0 52.622516 -1.407144
CV13 0LZ 20 0 52.622632 -1.408886
CV13 0NA 9 0 52.622241 -1.408034
CV13 0NB 46 0 52.621705 -1.406933
CV13 0ND 42 0 52.621538 -1.409403
CV13 0NE 9 0 52.625705 -1.40323
CV13 0NJ 25 0 52.644724 -1.366067
CV13 0NL 18 0 52.644533 -1.367326
CV13 0NP 36 1 52.625008 -1.411114
CV13 0NR 9 0 52.624352 -1.409409
CV13 0NS 21 0 52.624279 -1.412882
CV13 0NT 29 1 52.624023 -1.411895
CV13 0NU 24 0 52.62347 -1.411105
CV13 0NX 38 0 52.623413 -1.415892
CV13 0NY 9 0 52.623097 -1.413798
CV13 0NZ 16 0 52.622993 -1.412677
CV13 0PA 4 0 52.623783 -1.414351