all postcodes in CV2 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV2 1SX 0 52.440187 -1.461244
CV2 1SY 0 52.439913 -1.460202
CV2 1SZ 0 52.440174 -1.460405
CV2 1TG 0 52.440303 -1.463066
CV2 1TL 0 52.443117 -1.462885
CV2 1TS 0 52.436003 -1.466384
CV2 1TT 0 52.439892 -1.463498
CV2 1TU 0 52.445046 -1.474043
CV2 1TX 0 52.444346 -1.474449
CV2 1TY 0 52.43152 -1.459084
CV2 1TZ 0 52.44447 -1.473918
CV2 1UA 0 52.439934 -1.458952
CV2 1UB 0 52.439084 -1.459771
CV2 1XA 2 52.435643 -1.464197
CV2 1TE 0 52.452892 -1.459632
CV2 1UD 25 0 52.443019 -1.473111
CV2 1UE 7 0 52.443094 -1.47186
CV2 1EA 1 1 52.435405 -1.463361
CV2 1BS 0 52.431002 -1.459738
CV2 1UN 8 0 52.432723 -1.466541