all postcodes in CV2 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV2 5BA 0 52.413865 -1.453522
CV2 5BB 0 52.413442 -1.453586
CV2 5BD 3 52.414683 -1.45363
CV2 5BE 2 52.415019 -1.45439
CV2 5BG 0 52.415343 -1.45443
CV2 5BH 0 52.415602 -1.450148
CV2 5BJ 0 52.415829 -1.450675
CV2 5BL 0 52.416472 -1.447844
CV2 5BN 1 52.416147 -1.447363
CV2 5BP 0 52.415411 -1.447681
CV2 5BQ 0 52.415488 -1.448768
CV2 5BS 0 52.414492 -1.447192
CV2 5BT 0 52.414876 -1.448717
CV2 5BU 0 52.414108 -1.447903
CV2 5BW 0 52.414021 -1.446448
CV2 5BX 0 52.414141 -1.445227
CV2 5BY 0 52.416015 -1.446247
CV2 5BZ 0 52.421742 -1.448146
CV2 5DA 0 52.421286 -1.448666
CV2 5DB 39 52.418299 -1.448159