all postcodes in CV2 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV2 5DE 0 52.411106 -1.467655
CV2 5DG 1 52.420293 -1.44787
CV2 5DH 0 52.406593 -1.455743
CV2 5DL 1 52.419681 -1.447745
CV2 5DX 1 52.420049 -1.449343
CV2 5EB 0 52.406744 -1.455351
CV2 5ED 0 52.42016 -1.450092
CV2 5EE 0 52.420387 -1.450589
CV2 5EF 0 52.419795 -1.450949
CV2 5EG 0 52.419713 -1.452597
CV2 5EH 0 52.418962 -1.453533
CV2 5EJ 0 52.4187 -1.453301
CV2 5EL 0 52.417627 -1.456402
CV2 5EN 0 52.417392 -1.45614
CV2 5EP 2 52.416818 -1.458323
CV2 5EQ 0 52.416521 -1.458268
CV2 5ER 1 52.415556 -1.455663
CV2 5ES 0 52.415039 -1.456786
CV2 5ET 0 52.415912 -1.45485
CV2 5EU 0 52.416688 -1.455472