all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 2SA 5 5 52.374399 -1.259057
CV21 2SD 6 6 52.373873 -1.259697
CV21 2SG 9 6 52.374464 -1.259452
CV21 2SH 39 1 52.374545 -1.257982
CV21 2SL 3 1 52.374086 -1.257916
CV21 2SN 47 2 52.375373 -1.258173
CV21 2SP 1 1 52.379857 -1.260461
CV21 2SQ 1 1 52.374385 -1.259569
CV21 2SS 7 5 52.376532 -1.256404
CV21 2SU 35 0 52.377812 -1.255606
CV21 2SW 9 4 52.375518 -1.256805
CV21 2SX 20 1 52.377051 -1.256235
CV21 2SY 36 0 52.377846 -1.25678
CV21 2SZ 32 0 52.377093 -1.257116
CV21 2TA 45 0 52.376151 -1.257485
CV21 2TD 1 1 52.37491 -1.258901
CV21 2TF 46 0 52.377864 -1.258205
CV21 2TG 23 1 52.377018 -1.258028
CV21 2TH 1 0 52.373908 -1.261092
CV21 2TP 20 7 52.373051 -1.259226