all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 2NY 41 3 52.378466 -1.25677
CV21 2PA 1 0 52.374812 -1.26175
CV21 2PD 3 3 52.374748 -1.261724
CV21 2PE 39 19 52.373692 -1.261081
CV21 2PJ 6 4 52.374942 -1.261045
CV21 2PL 1 1 52.374996 -1.26103
CV21 2PN 36 11 52.375187 -1.260013
CV21 2PS 31 15 52.374533 -1.260303
CV21 2PY 13 6 52.373826 -1.260829
CV21 2QA 8 8 52.374089 -1.259737
CV21 2QB 1 1 52.373679 -1.260449
CV21 2QE 15 9 52.373669 -1.260273
CV21 2QF 13 5 52.373376 -1.260778
CV21 2QG 26 0 52.376013 -1.259881
CV21 2QH 34 0 52.376666 -1.260796
CV21 2QJ 27 0 52.376604 -1.25949
CV21 2QL 1 0 52.377251 -1.260666
CV21 2QN 4 2 52.377583 -1.262103
CV21 2QP 11 0 52.377794 -1.264215
CV21 2QQ 46 0 52.375796 -1.259679