all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 3BD 22 3 52.371023 -1.256968
CV21 3BG 20 9 52.371338 -1.262633
CV21 3BH 10 2 52.371506 -1.26219
CV21 3BW 17 9 52.371339 -1.262868
CV21 3BU 13 9 52.371458 -1.26316
CV21 3BX 18 11 52.371755 -1.263214
CV21 3BY 19 6 52.371134 -1.264502
CV21 3BZ 2 2 52.371656 -1.264476
CV21 3DA 12 2 52.371509 -1.264023
CV21 3DH 13 2 52.370755 -1.26586
CV21 3DS 1 1 52.37122 -1.265411
CV21 3DU 19 15 52.372533 -1.262584
CV21 3DY 9 5 52.372198 -1.262266
CV21 3EA 3 3 52.372746 -1.26211
CV21 3EB 24 14 52.372564 -1.263303
CV21 3EL 23 3 52.372478 -1.258105
CV21 3EN 4 0 52.372808 -1.257673
CV21 3EQ 46 0 52.375149 -1.256826
CV21 3EW 17 1 52.372493 -1.257514
CV21 3EX 10 4 52.373657 -1.256939