all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 3EY 15 2 52.375674 -1.256009
CV21 3EZ 15 5 52.374463 -1.256441
CV21 3FB 10 0 52.372754 -1.249066
CV21 3FD 56 0 52.377955 -1.238399
CV21 3FE 39 0 52.377833 -1.240443
CV21 3FF 19 0 52.377473 -1.240375
CV21 3FG 16 0 52.376997 -1.239091
CV21 3FH 19 0 52.376112 -1.246996
CV21 3HA 37 0 52.37272 -1.256543
CV21 3HB 41 0 52.373255 -1.255903
CV21 3HD 49 2 52.374055 -1.255801
CV21 3HE 8 5 52.375394 -1.255749
CV21 3HF 1 1 52.375878 -1.255491
CV21 3HG 21 1 52.375749 -1.25483
CV21 3HH 32 1 52.374697 -1.254997
CV21 3HN 16 3 52.376254 -1.255265
CV21 3HQ 12 5 52.376364 -1.255542
CV21 3HR 5 1 52.376801 -1.254827
CV21 3HS 1 1 52.378985 -1.253292
CV21 3HT 2 2 52.378551 -1.254342